What an exciting time to be a California citizen! Based in Los Angeles, California, our team here at Command Cosmetics is passionate about reforming criminal justice- especially within our own state. Three exciting bills are pending in California legislature right now- and we urge you to support them (and others)!
1. Read The Bills
AB 256 (a.k.a. Racial Justice for All Act) - this bill would make the California Racial Justice for All Act retroactive, which would allow for resentencing for any person who was convicted for a crime because of their race, ethnicity, or national origin. Read more here.
SB 300 (a.k.a. Felony Murder Elimination Project) - under California's current law, if a person dies (even accidentally) during the course of certain felonies, those who were involved in the felony are subject to the same punishments that whoever caused the death is sentenced to. For example, if a group of young women commit a felony robbery and one of the women decides to shoot someone on a whim, all of the women who were involved in the robbery will be sentenced the same way- regardless of who did the shooting. Read more here.
AB 2567 (a.k.a. Incarcerated Person's Competence) - this bill would prevent the execution of anyone on death row in California who is found to be mentally incompetent by 3 state-selected mental health professionals. That is, someone who does not understand how to make rational decisions will not be executed. Read more here.
More - You can keep up with all of the pending legislation for ANY state on OpenStates.org, and stay current on the latest attempts to make California law more humane, just, and unprejudiced. You can also stay apprised using Equality California's Legislation tab to represent LGBTQ+ civil rights and social justice. You can also check out the ACLU's site for more information on new proposed legislature and other ways you can support social change in your state.
2. Find Your Representative
It's a lot easier than you think! Simply put in your address in the search linked below and you will be directed to both your California State Senator and Assemblyperson who serves your District.
3. Write to Your Reps:
Dear Assemblyperson,
I am one of the constituents of your District in California, and am writing you today to voice my support for AB 256 (Racial Justice for All Act) and AB 2567 (Incarcerated Person's Competence). No person deserves to be sentenced for a crime and convicted because of their race, ethnicity, or national origin. Prejudice has no place in the California courts- and it never has. Further, no person who lacks mental competency should be executed. California needs to stand as a beacon of change, advocating for mental health reform- and not execute people who do not have the ability to make rational decisions. I urge you to support these bills and all others that create a more humane, fair, and unprejudiced justice system in our state.
Thank you.
Dear California State Senator,
I am one of the constituents of your District in California, and am writing you today to voice my support for SB 300 (Incarcerated Person's Competence). The State of California is a place of progress and justice- and sentencing people to death who did not kill or intend for anyone to be killed is not just. I urge you to support this bill and all others that create a more humane, fair, and unprejudiced justice system in our state.
Together, we can make our world a better place, where pain isn't answered with more pain; where justice is not a distant principal but a realistic ideal; and where everyone is treated with the dignity and compassion that they deserve.